Guidewire with filtering basket
Guidewire with the filtering basket constitutes the main part of the system. It is made of distal part of the guidewire – 0.014”, filtering basket [2] placed directly behind the distal part and the long, stiff proximal part or partly floppy proximal part guidewire 0.014”. Distal, floppy part of the guidewire is visible under X-ray radiation. The filtering basket is constructed from a nitinol structure, which is covered with filtering membrane in its distal part, containing numerous holes with diameter of 100÷120µm. For the version with a fixed filtering basket, the proximal part of the filtering basket is fixed on the guidewire permanently (catalog number SDN_RX or SDN_RXS), and the distal part of the filtering basket is movable. For the version with a movable filtering basket (catalog number SDN_RXM or SDN_RXSM), both parts of the basket, distal and proximal, are movable relative to the guidewire. Both systems in the proximal part of the guidewire just behind the filtering basket appear in the stiff version (stiff guidewire to the proximal part of the basket) or floppy (floppy guidewire is around 180mm to the proximal part of the basket). The filtering basket is equipped with X-ray markers, respectively in the distal and proximal part. Additionally, X-ray markers are also placed at the beginning of the basket filtering membrane.
Rapid Exchange (RX) delivery catheter
The diameter of the delivery catheter equals 4,2F÷4,5F, its working length equals 150cm. At the distal part of the delivery catheter there is a cap used to place a filtering basket in it. The proximal part of the delivery catheter is cut at the length of 130 cm, which facilitates the entering of the catheter within the RX system. Torquer is used to maintain the same position of the guidewire with filtering basket in the same position within the delivery catheter.
Rapid Exchange (RX) capture catheter
Working length of the introductory catheter equals 150cm. A cap with 4,6F÷5,1F diameter is positioned at the end of the distal part of the capture catheter, in which the filtering basket is placed. The proximal end of the cap is equipped with X-ray marker. A cap facilitating manoeuvring the catheter is placed at the proximal end of the capture catheter.